Using a wheelchair or requiring a speech generating device needn’t stop you from living a life that’s independent and full.
The frustration that understandably comes with not being able to move and communicate freely and independently can be huge. This can cause real distress for people with ALS, spinal cord injuries or cerebral palsy among others. Speech generating devices can genuinely improve a person’s life and offer the freedom that comes with being able to communicate with those around you.
It can be tough to get to grips with AAC devices when you’re not someone, user or caregiver, who loves tech and understands all its ins and outs. That is understandable, but some things can make it easier to use AAC devices more effectively. In particular, mounts are used to properly position the device, making them more functional and comfortable to use.
Choosing a high-quality mount for AAC devices, switches or tablets ensures that individuals are able to access their device and to communicate, no matter what the situation is. Rehadapt offers mounts for wheelchairs, walls, floors, and tables. Since our mounts can be configured and customized, there’s a mounting solution for every individual and every situation, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
This is important because when a person doesn’t have an ergonomic mount that is practical and comfortable to use, there’s a significantly raised chance that the person won’t use the assistive technology at all. And that takes them right back to the start and puts them in a place where they’re struggling with communication and all the problems that come with that once more.
Wheelchair mounts for more than AAC, because, yeah why not?!
It’s not just about mounts for AAC devices, although that is what we at Rehadapt do. There are also mounts for cameras including 360VR cameras, fishing rods, and even crossbows. These types of mounts improve lives too and the market is growing.
The advances in technology and the mounts that make them functional for people with speech and mobility impairments are awe-inspiring. But this should be normal, right? Because, why wouldn’t a person with a disability want to be able to live a vibrant and independent life? Their disability or health problems needn’t get in the way of that. So, yeah, why not?